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  1.  14
    (1 other version)Preemption and Terrorism. When the Future Governs.Maximiliano E. Korstanje - 2013 - Cultura 10 (1):167-184.
    The present paper explores not only the psychological effects of 11 September in the political fields, but also connects with the risk of pre-emption in USinternational affairs. What is important to discuss in this work is the role played by the media in portraying news, and a pejorative image of Islam. This ancient religion is presented as being backward and barbaric in many senses. Beyond having an encompassing understanding of the history of Islam, the media dissuades public opinion the preventive (...)
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    Cómo funciona el riesgo en democracia.Maximiliano E. Korstanje - 2014 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 55:139-158.
    Muchos sociólogos y politólogos se encuentran enfrascados en dilucidar el rol de la democracia y el poder estatal para poder regular los riesgos. Su empresa es inútil ya que riesgos y Estado son parte inherente del mismo fenómeno. Respecto a la democracia, añadimos el imperio anglosajón ha creado una nueva forma de concebirla, que en lugar de proteger a los ciudadanos, garantiza las condiciones necesarias para que el capital se pueda reproducir. Creaciones culturales puramente capitalistas, la anglo democracia, el riesgo (...)
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    (1 other version)Delinquency, Crime and Order under Debate.Maximiliano E. Korstanje - 2009 - Cultura 6 (1):119-129.
    Western societies characterize by promoting material well-being enrooted in legal-rational administration as a form of development. Although, the study of crime has been broadly studied in recent years, many scholars devoted attention in analysing the bridge between authority and penitentiaries. This paper obliges us to rethink the relationship between mythopoeia, punishment and crime. Social deviation is often represented as a taboo wherein offender is loathed. Each group in different ways legitimates their own ways of economical production. Our modern capitalist world (...)
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  4.  22
    Dialogues with Slavoj Zizek: placing the role of torture in context.Maximiliano E. Korstanje - 2018 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 12 (2).
    This essay review discusses criticall the book the universal excemption of Slavoj Zizek. Just after finishing my two recent books: Tracing Spikes in Fear and Narcissism in Western Democracies Since 9/11 and The Challenges of Democracy in the War on Terror. While in the first work I traced back the limitations of Psychoanalysis as well as its complicities to legitimate the advance and expansion of capitalism, the latter focused on the role of torture –as a lesser evil- of contemporary government (...)
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    El turismo es el terrorismo por otras vias: pensando la sociedad del miedo.Maximiliano E. Korstanje - 2021 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 101:131-150.
    Para el imaginario colectivo el terrorismo es considerado uno de los mayores males actuales. De hecho, este arquetipo se condice con la discursividad de los medios de comunicación. La guerra contra el terror, declarada por Bush, expresa la necesidad (puritana) de luchar contra una amenaza externa. En los últimos años, los ataques se han llevado a cabo sobre centros de consumo y turismo, creando una gran preocupación para aquellos países que dependen de esta economía. Lejos de una concepción simplista, en (...)
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    (1 other version)Influence of Norse Mythical Archetype in Frederich Nietzche Thought.Maximiliano E. Korstanje - 2009 - Cultura 6 (2):68-77.
    The Second World War symbolizes how a radical evil can be embodied in human minds. After holocaust many scholars tried to bond Frederic Nietzsche as theprecursor of Nationalsocialism. Quite aside from such a fallacy, the present article not only intends to recover the thought of this outstanding philosopher but also trace on the roots of ancient Norse mythology in the inception of existentialism and capitalism. Echoing the contribution of a previous article written originally by Martin Jenkins, we put our efforts (...)
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    (1 other version)Ironman.Maximiliano E. Korstanje - 2010 - Cultura 7 (2):188-203.
    Centered in the analysis of discourse over films, the present work debates the general drawing of the film IRONMAN and its connection of Muslim terrorism. Ourmain thesis is that globalization plays a pervasive role since at a first glance homogenizes the domination of technology, economic linkages and rationalization while for the other side it entails a process of re-territorialization based on an elusive logic. Cynically, whether we accept that the doctrine of free-market postulates the exchange between developed and underdeveloped nations (...)
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    Mil Caras de la Hospitalidad.Maximiliano E. Korstanje - 2015 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 63:273-282.
    El presente ensayo intenta deconstruir los elementos simbólicos que hacen a la hospitalidad, en tanto pacto inter-tribal milenario en donde las comunidades se obligan mutuamente a la defensa conjunta. Parte de la hospitalidad es la necesidad de comprender y asimilar a aquel quien no es como yo, y en vistas de ello, de ejercer un grado de tolerancia sobre el extranjero. Empero, tolerar es subordinar los intereses del otro a los míos, por ende es una forma sutil de hacer lo (...)
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    Releyendo el Titere y el Enano.Maximiliano E. Korstanje - 2017 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 11 (1).
    En el siguiente trabajo de revision no solo examinamos la ya clásica obra de Zizek, El Titere y el Enano, sino que tomamos su parte más polemica para establecer una nueva lectura no solo del cristianismo sino de lo que en otros abordajes Korstanje llamo el capitalismo mortuorio, o Thana Capitalism. Con la muerte de Cristo comienza una nueva face donde el sufrimiento humano se hace atractivo para Europa. Como un gran tentador para la humanidad, por medio de Lucifer, el (...)
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